Why sleep with anything less?

Six Steps to Unlocking More Love & Pleasure

“To love is good, too: love being difficult. For one human being to love another, that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.” 
                                                    ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Creating a deeply loving and pleasurable relationship is nowhere near as easy as Hollywood pretends. Love is something we have to work at and, as Rilke says, it's actually the most difficult work of all.

What's more—love and pleasure feed off each other. Sure, we may experience them as separate courses: trying to sneak a "side of pleasure" along with a "main course of love"...but to truly feast on either, we need both.

May this short guide inspire you to set the table for an exquisite feast, then roll your sleeves up, and get to work in your soul's kitchen. 

Step 1: Appreciate

This is it. This moment. This body. This time. It will never come again.

Once this moment passes it will forever be in your rear-view mirror. Are you ready to take the wheel of existence in both hands and journey to the land of more empowered love & pleasure? Then buckle in and look around.

Learn how to better appreciate where you are right now.

Imagine you're in a luxurious movie theater with red velvet curtains and plush, comfortable chairs. As you settle in, suddenly, on screen—it’s you.

You are the star of your own life story. So are you thinking, feeling and acting like the hero or heroine you’d be compelled to watch? Are you living in a way that elicits your own internal applause?

Look, it’s simple: if you don’t LOVE your life then who the heck ever will? Simple but not easy. Appreciation is a muscle. We need to build it.

Appreciating the present state is the first ninja move to enhancing your love life. No matter what's happening. No matter how many tasks are left undone on your to-do list. Even in the face of great difficulties—you exist.

Your body is the result of billions of years of evolutionary intelligence. Your sight is miraculous. Your skin is the highest-tech sensation material ever created. Your brain is a synaptic supercomputer. Your sex is flushed with life-giving heat and mysterious potencies…

Each breath. Each glance. Each step. Never again.

To live your best life, commit to cultivating a deep appreciation. Then bring the grateful overflow to your lover.

When your skin breathes with gratitude, you’ll be surprised to see how many obstacles fall away under your tender, scintillating touch.

Step 2: Initiate

There’s a cold chasm that can open in an instant between people...filled with fears and insecurities, uncertainties and hesitations. It’s easy to fall into that yawning gap.

Many people are holding back their true feelings. Pretending they’re other than who they really are, going along with a program, or some pre-approved “date night out.”

And then, you’re not authentically there, together. Not really.

You’re clinging to the edge of the pool, watching and waiting for the other to make a move proving it’s safe to dive in. But when you're both waiting for the other to make a move, you might never reach the wonderful depths of empowered love & pleasure.

Let's pop the floaties and swim across the divide! Who says you’re not supposed to talk about sex, politics or religion? Talk about whatever's burning in you— because when you initiate deep, authentic sharing, you’ll find yourself in the luscious realms of true connection...

Try asking her what she’s most afraid to tell you, then listen without judgment. Reveal what you really feel about him (without pressuring him to be your prince charming). Using I-statements will keep you both on track.

Bravely claim your fantasies and your foibles, your wild, wicked and wonderful ways. But don't just talk! Ritualize the space between you with potent eye-gazing.

Sexual adventurousness comes second—first you have to undress each others' hearts & minds. It's a lot more fun than languishing on the shallow shores of chitchat, and it’s a very, very effective form of foreplay.

The best orgasms come after you’ve wrestled past habitual defenses to the innermost chambers of the soul, witnessing each other’s marvelous & utterly unique light. When you do, you’ll find that, in the bedroom, it’s easier to try something new or break a taboo—because you’re already authentically holding each other.

There are hundreds of positions and thousands of possibilities between two souls unfurling in the dance of intimacy. And it all begins with you bravely being you.

 Step 3: Negotiate

We all have opposing thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. Times that by two in relationship. So of course, we want different things at different times. What to do?

Schedule a playful-planning party (with drinks and treats). Scheme, dream, and discuss all the luscious possibilities. Write a bunch of options—from the ordinary to the outrageous—on little slips of paper and toss them into a hat or a bowl. Each of you, pick two, then watch which ones makes you both light up. Pay close attention. If it’s not a win/win it’s not the right choice.

Would a movie and a bowl of popcorn be the ideal date? A mutual massage session? Or maybe a reservation at that new restaurant in town? How about a dance class? A hike?

You don’t have to make it a surprise but don’t just ask, “What do you want to do tonight?” This is your chance to create a memorable night together. What indelible page in the book of your lovelife are you going to write tonight?

Empowered lovers know how to negotiate, creating the best contexts for mutually satisfying, sexy scenarios.

Step 4: Resonate

Music relies on the law of sympathetic resonance. Pluck a string on a guitar or piano and every other note subtly vibrates. Otherwise, the tune would sound hollow, thin.

The trick here is to hold your own note and, at the same time, vibrate with your lover’s note. 

For some, hearing your lover’s note comes more easily (they may even forget to listen to their own inner tone). For others, this will take practice.

Either way, if you don’t sympathetically resonate, both with yourself and your lover, you might not tap the more empowered pleasures.

There’s a technique taught to actors learning improvisation. You have to meet whatever the other person says on stage with a: “Yes and….” If you’re pushing your plan, angsty about your agenda, the scene falls flat (not fun).

So don’t try to fix, placate, change or mitigate. Anchor yourself in yourself while reaching into your lover’s experience.

Practice saying Yes to whatever your partner’s experiencing (even if it’s not what you would have wanted). Now, this doesn’t mean you have to agree to everything they’re requesting. A firm but loving No can be just as juicy as a Yes—and a Yes that’s a lie feels icky.

Resonance is a surefire technology to exponentially increase love & pleasure. If she’s angry: let yourself reflect that state with a compassionate “I see you’re upset.” If he's in need of a little reassurance: beam your loving understanding into his eyes, touching him in a way that tells him, “I’ve got you.”

If your lover isn’t feeling the love—undoubtably—they’d rather not be feeling that way either!

So remember, if you meet them where they are, you’re much more likely to lead them back to the enchanted land of love.

The truth is, whatever you resist not only persists, it pisses on the smoldering fires of pleasure. Cultivate your ability to resonate or risk losing intimacy on this and every other potentially enchanting night.

When you meet what’s happening with a generous openness, you’ll find that logistical mishaps or emotional storms more easily pass.

Resonance requires that you put aside your idea of how things should go and melt into the flow of what is unfolding. Holding each like this is hot AF.                   

Step 5: Consecrate

To consecrate something sets it apart, ritualizes it, makes it holy.

We are living in a time where, all too often, nothing is sacred. Maybe that’s because a lot of what’s considered holy (at least, by organized religion) is really just a lie designed to make humans into sinners (who require the redemption of the priest or the church).

Let’s reclaim the power of ritualizing and sanctifying our own lives by inhabiting our own body-temples.

"Spirit" comes from the word "breath" and that's the fastest way into the temple. With awareness and intentionality—and lots of breath—we create a temple in time for love making, where no manipulation, shame, or unconsciousness can slip in.

That’s one reason Venus Matters was born. Unfurling a Venus Mat is the perfect way to set the stage for sacred encounters and uninhibited pleasure.

Author and coach David Deida claims that women really want to be f*cked to God. Maybe that’s why an orgasm in French is called le petite mort (the little death), because through orgasm we can touch the majesty and miracle of existence and the exquisite annihilation of separateness. We become one with God and each other.

Let sex become your hot & holy prayer.

Step 6: Satiate

When you play this deep, the path is cleared to profound love & pleasure. But please don’t rush to the finish line. Slow…way…down.

Rest easy, knowing you’ve cultivated an exquisite connection:

You’ve expanded your gratitude.

You’ve sparked deep revelations and reached across the divides.

You’ve made mutually satisfying plans.

You’re resonating with each other like two well-tuned violin strings.

If you sincerely follow these steps, a red-hot intimacy naturally follows. And when you consistently keep this beautiful behavior up, you’ll find your partner accessible, excited, ripe to your touch.

Then you’ll be cultivating the deep, true love you so richly deserve, and that is the basis of the most powerful pleasure.

Satiation is the sweet condensation of a life well-lived and well-loved. In this delicious state, your deepest desires are more easily met because you’re giving more than you ever thought possible.

To your ever-deepening delight!

Jules Cazedessus
Founder & CEO
Venus Matters


Special thanks to coaches Bryan Franklin and Annie Lalla for their poignant teachings on "appreciation" and "clapping for yourself."
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